April 24, 2005
I managed to get out to the Blue Mountains today and picked a good day for it as the weather was lovely.
The Blue Mountains are so called because of the fine mist of oil from the eucalyptus trees which hangs in the air creating a bluish haze.
I caught the train out to the mountain town of Katoomba and from there used the Blue Mountain Explorer Bus to 'hop-on hop-off' wherever I wanted. This was good as it allowed me to go at my own pace and see what I wanted without feeling rushed by a tight tour itinerary.
I visited the Katoomba cascades, rode down Scenic Worlds train (which travels down the hill at an incredibly steep 52 degrees), walked through the forest along the board walk and travelled back up the hill on the gondola. I also walked from Honeymoon lookout through the forest to Echo Point, lookout to the Three Sisters and start of the Giant Staircase, some 900 steps which descend into the valley below the Three Sisters (and yes I climbed down, and then back up, all 900! Idiot!).
The Three Sisters are three rock pinnacles which stand out separately from the surrounding cliffs. They were caused by erosion but the Aboriginal story is a little more interesting.
There were three sister who lived happily in the mountains with their father but were always cautious of the presence of an evil creature who also dwelt in the mountains. One day while they were out walking the creature started closing in on the sisters. Seeing this their witch doctor father turned them all to stone with his bone wand. This would keep them safe until the creature left. But the creature got angry and chased the father through the forest, he changed himself into a Lyrebird to escape but in the process of fleeing he lost his bone wand.
He is still looking for it to this day and the Three Sisters are still standing, waiting to be brought back to life.