April 01, 2005
Usually I can only spend an hour or two in a museum before my concentration starts to wander but I managed to pass at least four hours in the fantastic Te Papa, Our Place, New Zealands national museum. Maybe this is because I'm a slow reader, maybe it's an indication of how interesting it was, who knows.
After the museum I wandered up to Lambton Quay and took the cable car up the hill to the Cable Car museum and the Botanical Gardens. The views over the city were really nice and the info. boards about the history of the cable car were really interesting. I wandered through the gardens for a while before taking the cable car back down the hill.
After wandering through the city a little longer and out along the water front to Oriental Bay I decided to take a walk up Mount Victoria to get some more views of the surrounding area.
By the time I made it up there it was beginning to get dark so I got some fantastic views of the city lights and the sun going down behind the hills.